
Flopper Ziro

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A Flipper Zero clone, but cheapest, DIY and siply Open Source, made with Arduino IDE ![profile pic](/img/img-profile.jpg) ## Star History [![Star History Chart](https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=lraton/FlopperZiro&type=Date)](https://star-history.com/#lraton/FlopperZiro&Date) ## Component: - STM32-L432KC (Microcontroller) - FS1000a (Radio freq Transmitter) - RXB12 (Radio freq Receiver) - PN532 (RFID/NFC) - IR LED & Reciver - 2N222A PBFREE - SSD1306(Display 128x64 OLED) - TF CardMemory Shield - TP4056 (Battery charger) - DC-DC 5V BOOST (voltage booster) - 6x 6x6x8mm push button - Micro usb smd - Battery 3.7 lipo ## Features - RubberDucky - RFID/NFC - IR - RF - Save/Load from SD - All programmable via Arduino Ide ## To Do ### Software - [X] Resovle SD problem with SSD1306 - [X] Do the sd menu' - [X] save/load from sd - [X] Make sd listing - [ ] Fix bugs on the sd listing - [X] Finish the rf scanner and sender - [X] Menu' - [X] BadUsb - [X] Ir - [X] Rfid (whitout emulation) - For now can only read UID ### Hardware - [X] First pcb - [X] New version of pcb - [ ] Search alternativa to the pn532 for emualtion ![profile pic](/img/img-front.jpg) ![profile pic](/img/img-behind.jpg)